We are thrilled to announce that an astonishing £35,284 has been donated to support our work with homeless young people aged 16-30 across Nottingham, Mansfield, Worksop and East Riding.



In partnership with YMCA England and Wales, YMCA’s Roomsponsor scheme is made possible by generous donors, who give a little each month to empower young individuals who have faced homelessness. Funds donated through this initiative are used to support local young people with essential services, including safe accommodation, life skills opportunities, and personalised support, to help young people on their way to independence.

Last year, we provided supported accommodation for 504 young people affected by homelessness in our region. People like Willem, who after becoming involved with drug abuse from the age of 13, has gone on to live independently, and even chose to come back to YMCA to work supporting other young people:

“I learned to cook and clean and the YMCA team gave me opportunities to go to the gym to improve my health in addition to the guidance I needed to keep away from drugs. This helped me a lot as it has built up my confidence and I am a lot fitter and healthier now. Thanks to the progress I made, I have also finished my probation order and I contacted my dad after 10 years absence.”

As a unique aspect of the Roomsponsor scheme, donors receive real and regular feedback from the young individuals whose lives they have touched. To express our thanks, Roomsponsors also receive a welcome pack and a special thank you gift from YMCA. However, the true reward lies in knowing that their donations are making an everlasting impact on the lives of young individuals.

If you would like to become a RoomSponsor, visit www.ymca.org.uk/robinhoodgroup today.


Become a Roomsponsor