Our Commitment to Safeguarding


We are dedicated to upholding best practices to ensure the safety and well-being of children, young people, and adults at risk. Our goal is to create an environment free from harm and abuse. If harm or abuse is identified or suspected, YMCA expects staff and volunteers to take appropriate action by responding and referring in line with our policies and operational procedures.

Read Our Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy

Read Our Safeguarding At-Risk Adults Policy

Prevent: Addressing Terrorism and Extremism

The threat of terrorism and extremism in the UK remains real and significant, often involving the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, including children and young people.

Prevent is a key element of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST, designed to reduce this risk.

The objectives of Prevent are to:

  • Address the root causes of radicalisation
  • Counteract the influence of terrorist ideologies
  • Identify and support individuals at risk of radicalisation through early intervention
  • Help those already engaged in terrorism to disengage and reintegrate

Please ensure you retain a copy of any safeguarding information you submit.

If you need to speak to someone about a safeguarding concern, you can:

Call Emergency Services

If the concern presents an immediate threat to life or property, please call the Police on 999 – or the Police anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321.

Call Safeguarding Lead

Call the YMCA Designated Safeguarding Lead if the concern relates to a YMCA service user, staff member, volunteer, or activities taking place within YMCA buildings.

Hayley Sanders – Head of Safeguarding and Compliance – 07912 432843

Call Safeguarding Lead

Email Safeguarding Team

Email our Safeguarding team safe@ymcarhg.org

Email Safeguarding Team