
To help ensure you have an amazing experience, we kindly ask that you complete the required waivers before arriving for your booking. This is essential to help us prioritise safety and provide the best service possible.

Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Forms to Complete:

Sessions Waiver to complete
Climbing Parental Consent Form
Climbing Unsupervised Climber 18+ Form
Climbing Unsupervised Bouldering and auto belay only 18+ Form
Climbing Supervised Climber 18+ Form
Climbing Supervising Novice Form
Clip n’ Climb Parental Consent Form
Clip n’ Climb Unsupervised Climber 18+ Form
Cycling Parental Consent Form
Cycling Adult Waiver
Strength & Conditioning Gym Adult Gym Waiver
Strength & Conditioning Gym Youth Gym Waiver


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