COVID-19 Booking Conditions
These health and safety conditions have been designed in line with guidance from the UK government and the FA. They are valid from July 13th 2020 to September 1st 2020.
Guests hiring space at the Community and Activity Village must agree to them for their booking to be processed.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Athletics – Condition of Hire
- All previous conditions of hire are still applicable during the period of July 2020 to September 2020, however with government guidelines in place, these conditions must be agreed by all hirers of the facility for this period.
- All hirers must ensure that no one within their group is exhibiting any symptoms of Covid-19 and anyone who is unwell should not attend the facility with that group.
- All hirers will provide the names, and phone numbers of every person within their hiring group for track and trace purposes. This information will be held for 21 days from the date of the booking, and then be destroyed.
- Track bookings will be limited to 6 people total per hour booking slot. If the session or group has more than 6 people, they must split the session and hire an additional slot.
- The 6 people can be from different households including a coach and five athletes.
- Anyone seen having more than 6 people within their booking will be asked to leave and forfeit their paid booking fee.
- If the same group books again at a future point and is again asked to leave for the same reason, they will be barred from booking for 6 months.
- All groups of 6 will wait outside the Village in the car park away from others until their booking time and then walk together into the Village whilst notifying the reception who will then sign in the group and show you to your track/lane.
- During this time, we ask that for sessions involving junior athletes, parents do not attend sessions and that the Coach leads their group of 5 to the track. Parents are allowed to wait in the car park providing they observe social distancing guidelines.
- Anyone attending must observe social distancing whilst near the track. Signs will be visible to mark areas and observe social distancing.
- The coach and coach only is responsible for the setting up of equipment and the cleaning down of it before being put away. If any other equipment is handled please notify the staff for immediate cleaning.
- YMCA will provide hand sanitising stations around the Village but also ask groups and clubs to provide their own sanitising gel and wipe down all equipment brought into and after use at the Village.
- All Changing rooms & catering areas will be closed until further notice however toilets will be available for use on a ‘one in, one out’ basis
- Bookings must leave the track punctually and exit the facility immediately to allow for the crossover time for the next booking
- All bookings and payments should be made in advance, via the YMCA booking system or over the phone. No cash will be taken at site, however on-site contactless payments by card will be accepted.
- First Aid requirements – each hiring group is responsible for their own First Aid however all Village staff are First Aid trained and can support where necessary adhering to current First Aid safety guidelines and social distancing. Please alert staff at reception for any assistance needed.
- All group bookings must notify the Community and Activity Village bookings team if someone in their group starts to exhibit symptoms within 7 days of their visit to the facility. Please call 01636 880624 or email bookings@ymca-nscav.org.
- Please be aware these conditions are in line with government guidance and are subject to change in which case all hiring groups will be notified and updated by the bookings team.
Football Pitches – Conditions of Hire
- All previous conditions of hire are still applicable during the period of July 2020 to September 2020, however with government guidelines in place, these conditions must be agreed by all hirers of the facility for this period.
- All hirers must ensure that no one within their group is exhibiting any symptoms of Covid-19 and anyone who is unwell should not attend the facility with that group.
- All hirers will provide the names, and phone numbers of every person within their hiring group for track and trace purposes. This information will be held for 21 days from the date of the booking, and then destroyed.
- Pitch bookings will be limited to 6 people total per quarter of the pitch. If the session or group has more than 6 people, they must hire an additional quarter of the pitch.
- The 6 people can be from different households including a coach and five players.
- Anyone seen having more than 6 people on a quarter of a pitch will be asked to leave and forfeit their paid booking fee.
- If the same group books again at a future point and is again asked to leave for the same reason, they will be barred from booking for 6 months.
- All groups of 6 will wait outside the Village in the car park away from others until their booking time and then walk together into the Village whilst notifying the reception who will then sign in the group and confirm the pitch they will be assigned to.
- During this time, we ask that for sessions involving junior players, parents do not attend sessions and that the Coach leads their group of 5 to the pitch. Parents are allowed to wait in the car park providing they observe social distancing guidelines.
- Anyone attending must observe social distancing whilst near the Community and Stadia pitches. Signs will be visible to mark areas and observe social distancing.
- Hiring groups are not to move the equipment as this will be set up for the session already by Village staff. If any equipment is handled please notify the staff for immediate cleaning.
- YMCA will provide hand sanitising stations around the Village but also ask groups and clubs to provide their own sanitising gel and wipe down all equipment brought into the Village before and after each session.
- All Changing rooms will be closed until further notice however toilets will be available for use on a ‘one in, one out’ basis
- Bookings will leave the pitch punctually and exit the facility immediately to allow for the crossover time for the next booking
- All bookings and payments should be made in advance and via the YMCA booking system or over the phone. No cash will be taken at site, however on-site contactless payments by card will be accepted.
- First Aid requirements – each hiring group is responsible for their own First Aid however all Village staff are First Aid trained and can support where necessary adhering to current First Aid safety guidelines and social distancing. Please alert staff for reception for any assistance needed.
- All group bookings must notify the Community and Activity Village bookings team if someone in their group starts to exhibit symptoms within 7 days of their visit to the facility. Please call 01636 880624 or email bookings@ymca-nscav.org.
- Please be aware these conditions are in line with government guidance and are subject to change in which case all hiring groups will be notified and updated by the bookings team.
By signing below, you are agreeing to adhere to the Covid-19 Conditions of Hire, Standard Conditions of Hire, FA Code of Conduct (if applicable) laid out above, failure to adhere will result in the termination of your booking.